Part 23: Captaining

No! No! This isn't the time for that! You've got a fight to win, Asaga! Come on... You're the hero of justice! For freedom and equality!

It's not working


You are ... the Queen.

How long have you been there?

The stars give me peace.

Ya know ... You don't have to call me queen. I'm just Asaga. So ... what are you doing here?

Reflecting. Far Port was a mighty trade world during my time. Merchants from across the Empire gathered here to engage in commerce and exchange ideas. It was the gateway to the core worlds, where Ryuvian splendor met the exotic cultures of outsiders. And it was the place where I was born. Yet, now it is merely an abandoned world, where civilization has been overtaken by the wilderness.


One day, this place'll be a bustling port again. After we send PACT packing back to New Eden, Ryuvia will grow again.

Our Empire has become weak. Our enemies have stolen our technology. Our culture has been forgotten.

That's why we gotta change. It was our own arrogance which led to our fall. The Ryuvian lords became too selfish. Sons killed their fathers and brothers betrayed brothers. In the end, in our fight to own the Empire, we destroyed the very thing we wanted. We're gonna make a new Ryuvia, where the leaders act for the good of the people.


The talbur was right to illuminate only for you.

No, no, no! Whatever gave you that idea!? Uwah-hahahaha! The captain's got his own mission! The total surrender of PACT and the liberation of his home world!

... Your face ...


It is red.

Uhh ... well, time to calibrate the Black Jack for the big battle! You better get your Seraphim ready too! Bye!


Right. Well, let's go meet our new pilot.

Are you sure this is wise, captain? Letting foreign military personnel on board the ship, I mean.

Uh, let's just say the admiral insisted. Well see who she is before making any judgments though.

Understood captain.

At ease, lieutenant. I'm Captain Kayto Shields and this is First Officer Ava Crescentia. Welcome aboard the

My pleasure, sir! I have been ordered by Admiral Grey himself to serve as the Alliance liaison officer on board the
Sunrider. I look forward to working with you, captain.

Well then, tell me about yourself, lieutenant.

Rank: Lieutenant, First Class. Previous service: Commander, Ryder Group aboard the Alliance carrier


You were an Alliance CRG? Then what are you doing here, on the

I go wherever my duties require me to, ma'am.

A long way from home, at least. Do you have a ryder to fly?

Yes captain. I've already arranged to have the Paladin transferred to the
Sunrider. You will find it a fine complement to your current ryder wing, I'm sure.

Glad to hear. Well, youre a member of the crew now. Feel free to make yourself at home.

Thank you, sir!

Ava will help you move into our crew quarters. You think you can squeeze one more person into the female quarters, Ava?


Obviously, we cannot allow any new men to join our crew in light of the modifications I've made.


(I cant tell if shes serious.)

You're dismissed, lieutenant. First Officer Crescentia will help you get moved in.

This way, lieutenant.
The rest of this update will be a little different, because weve actually got three different choices to make! Well start on the bridge a while later

Finished helping our new pilot move in?

I took the liberty of looking a bit deeper into our lieutenant's service records on the Alliance.


Well, I found a slight discrepancy. She said she served on the
Montesquieu, but her records indicate that she served on the ship two days before it was officially commissioned. It could have been nothing, but after what happened with Claude I got Chigara to take another look at it. She discovered that the lieutenant's record had been wiped clean and then rewritten with new data. As far as Chigara can tell, she doesn't even think the
Montesquieu is a real ship.

So what are you saying?

A ryder pilot with a fake profile, serving onboard a ship that doesn't exist? This has Alliance Spec Ops written all over it.

Heh, should have known. Our new pilot's probably the Admiral's spy, sent here to keep tabs on us just in case. Doesn't look like the Alliance quite trusts us yet, does it?

Want me to keep an eye out for her?
Choice 1:

Keep our guest on a short leash. If she does anything suspicious, tell me immediately.

Don't worry about it. We don't have anything to hide from the Alliance. We're going to have to learn to trust each other eventually.
(Ill repeat all the choices at the end of the update.)
Meanwhile, in the hanger

Ms. Isidolde, your ryder is in violation of at least 14 different Alliance safety regulations. In its current condition, I cannot allow it to fly with the rest of the squad!

What's going on here?

What's wrong with it?

The only thing wrong with it is that I cut through the damned red tape the Alliance puts around everything. Since the Solar Congress' in the karium lobby's pockets, all Alliance ryders need to have exhaust ports made with karium, even though pretty much the whole galaxy knows heratium works just as well and is lighter!

The mercenary fails to point out that heratium shatters into a thousand razor sharp fragments when it explodes, while karium splinters into harmless strings. Captain, you cannot allow such a danger to exist on your hangar deck. The safety of your pilots is at stake here, all for the ego of one mercenary.

Ah, I've used heratium all my life and I never had problems with it! That's just all damned propaganda spread by the karium lobby to make the galaxy buy an obsolete good that should have been kicked off the market ages ago. If the Solar Congress actually let people decide what to buy instead of getting bullied by cartel interests, then everyone would know heratium is stronger, lighter, and more efficient!
Choice 2:

Your concerns have been noted, lieutenant. But this is my ship, and we don't follow Alliance protocols here.

Sorry Icari, but you're not working solo any more. I can't let you risk lives by modifying your ryder.
And in the mess hall, something with considerably lower stakes

Ah, good evening captain.

Our next battle could be the biggest one yet. How are you two holding up?

Don't worry 'bout a thing, captn!

How about you, Chigara? Are you eating alright?

Umm ... well I dont have much of an appetite because I'm so nervous, but I think I'll be alright.

No, no, no, Chigara! You gotta eat before a fight or else you're gonna run outta energy!
Choice 3:

Not everyone's as macho as you, Asaga.

Asaga's right, Chigara. Eat up.
So, decisions to be made are:
Want me to keep an eye out for her?
Choice 1:
Keep our guest on a short leash. If she does anything suspicious, tell me immediately.
Don't worry about it. We don't have anything to hide from the Alliance. We're going to have to learn to trust each other eventually.

Choice 2:
Your concerns have been noted, lieutenant. But this is my ship, and we don't follow Alliance protocols here.
Sorry Icari, but you're not working solo any more. I can't let you risk lives by modifying your ryder.
No, no, no, Chigara! You gotta eat before a fight or else you're gonna run outta energy!
Choice 3:
Not everyone's as macho as you, Asaga.
Asaga's right, Chigara. Eat up.
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